High Plains cattle sales report

High Plains weekly weighted average direct slaughter cattle sales report indicated receipts of 82,379 head of cattle selling the week ending on June 14, compared to 123,577 head a week ago and 51,424 head a year ago, according to the USDA Livestock Poultry and Grain Market News Division, St. Joseph, Missouri.

The report was based on sales from Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa and Minnesota feedlots.

Steers: Live FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 16,222 head, 1,250 to 1,600 lbs., 102.00 to 108.00 (104.76); 65 to 80% Choice, 3,744 head, 1,250 to 1,600 lbs., 100.00 to 108.00 (104.75); 35 to 65% Choice, 2,274 head, 1,240 to 1,500 lbs., 98.00 to 108.00 (101.93); 0 to 35% Choice, 243 head, 1,450 lbs., 104.00. Live delivered basis,     over 80% Choice, 2,604 head, 1,400 to 1,525 lbs., 103.00 to 109.00 (106.79); 65 to 80% Choice, 40 head, 1,350 lbs., 104.00. Dressed delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 23,251 head, 744 to 1,040 lbs., 160.00 to 172.00 (166.14); 65 to 80% Choice, 1,294 head, 771 to 973 lbs., 165.00 to 172.00 (170.82); 35 to 65% Choice, 90 head, 936 lbs., 172.00; 0 to 35% Choice, 40 head, 937 lbs., 166.00. Dressed FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 312 head, 921 to 960 lbs., 160.00 to 165.00 (163.37).

Heifers: Live FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 8,000 head, 1,175 to 1,475 lbs., 101.00 to 108.00 (105.64); 65 to 80% Choice, 2,387 head, 1,150 to 1,300 lbs., 100.00 to 108.00 (104.91); 35 to 65% Choice, 690 head, 1,160 to 1,400 lbs., 100.00 to 108.00 (104.31). Live delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 1,428 head, 1,320 lbs., 109.00. Dressed delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 7,556 head, 756 to 1,006 lbs., 160.00 to 172.00 (166.29); 65 to 80% Choice, 315 head, 769 to 827 lbs., 165.00 to 172.00 (170.36); 35 to 65% Choice, 40 head, 832 lbs., 172.00. Dressed FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 200 head, 819 lbs., 165.00.