Syngenta offers MiravisNeo fungicide

Performance results from 2019 show corn and soybean growers how MiravisNeo fungicide from Syngenta, Greensboro, North Carolina, is a dependable disease-fighting tool. Crops that received an application of Miravis Neo withstood pressure from the challenging corn and soybean diseases. During a year where unpredictable weather meant proactive disease control was necessary, results from field trials and grower and retailer feedback prove that Miravis Neo delivered the disease control and plant health they needed. As growers debate fungicide options for 2020, performance results from 2019 can help with fungicide decisions this season. Formulated with three separate modes of action, including a powerful SDHI, Miravis Neo delivers visibly improved broad-spectrum disease control and plant-health benefits for corn and soybeans. Miravis Neo offers superior control of the most damaging corn diseases, such as gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight, tar spot and rusts. In soybeans, it offers growers an additional tool for white mold, strobilurin-resistant and susceptible frogeye leaf spot, and brown spot. In addition to disease control, Miravis Neo delivers plant-health benefits from two separate active ingredients to help crops reach full yield potential. For more information, see a representative or visit