State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the Aug. 27 report, compared to last week, trade activity moderate on moderate to good demand for feedlot and dairy hay. Trade activity and demand good for stable and farm/ranch quality hay. Northeast Colorado third cutting in full swing with the bulk of activity on ranch hay contracts. Southeast Colorado trade activity light on good demand. Trade activity light in the San Luis Valley. Few trades in Southwest Colorado on horse hay. Trade activity good in the Mountains and Northwest Colorado areas for new crop meadow grass.

Iowa—For the Aug. 18 report, which included prices for the week ending Aug. 14, prices on all classes of hay were mostly steady.

Kansas—In the Sept. 1 report, the hay market trade was slow to moderate, producers are still moving hay around although, fewer tons were reported. Demand has picked up a bit with an increase in inquiries from out of state as well as in state, while prices remain steady. The cutting of hay may have varied across the state, from wrapping up third to finishing fourth, but all agree that these later cuttings are providing greater yield and higher quality than earlier cuttings. However, overall most producers and buyers are watching the quantity of hay available closely.

Missouri—In the Aug. 27 report, weather was pretty typical of August this past week, high heat and humidity made being outside pretty unpleasant. Despite the heat and lack of moisture lately there continues to be an unusual amount of hay being baled around the state. Much of it is johnson grass and crabgrass but there is also a mix of clover, fescue and other grasses that sprouted back after rains in July. Hay movement remains slow. Hay prices are steady, supply heavy and demand is light.

Montana—In the Aug. 28 report, compared to the last report, hay sold fully steady. Hay movement was light this week however demand continues to be moderate to good. Hay continues to be sold out of the state. Drought conditions continue to stretch northward. Hay continues to be delivered into Wyoming for $165-170 per ton.

Nebraska—In the Aug. 27 report, compared to last week, all reported forages sold steady. Contacts stated phones a tick more active this week as prospective buyers are seeking out the cost and type of hay available. Best demand for hay has been in the western areas. Several farmer/feeders are busy cutting silage across the state. Some on hailed corn and some on regular production fields where tonnage looks like it will be very good. Several reports that there will be a lot of silage cut this fall. Most contacts finishing up on third cutting alfalfa with some producers in the east getting a second cutting of brome hay this summer.

New Mexico—In the Aug. 28 report, compared to last week, alfalfa hay prices were steady. Trade moderate, demand good. The southern region are in their fifth cutting. The eastern and southeastern regions are also in their fifth cutting. North central region are finishing third cutting and going on fourth. Some areas reported rain while others remain extremely dry.

Oklahoma—In the Aug. 20 report, compared to two weeks ago, demand is mostly light to moderate. All classes of hay trade continues to be slow due to recent heavy rains and cooler temperatures having producers hoping and preparing for a second cutting of bermuda grass. Alfalfa trade also has been slow and getting cheaper as many dairies are looking for alternative feed stuffs. Stock cow producers are hoping the cooler and wetter weather will extend grazing into the fall leaving less need to start stock piling hay. Please note that until hay trade becomes more active this report will become bi-weekly.

South Dakota—In the Aug. 28 report, compared to last week, alfalfa hay steady to firm, grass hay not recently tested for comparison. Good demand for dairy quality hay, best demand remains from out of state dairies. Light to moderate demand for grass hay, moderate for straw. Dry weather has allowed high quality alfalfa hay to be made but tonnage is much reduced as regrowth was hampered by the lack of rain. Drought conditions intensified and expanded this week as temps pushed to 100 degrees.

Texas—In the Aug. 21 report, compared to the last report, hay trades are mostly steady to firm in all areas. Trading activity has been mostly inactive to moderate, on moderate demand. Pastures are drying out across most of the state, but livestock producers are mainly buying hay on an as needed basis. Some producers already stocked up on hay for the winter, but quite a few are still waiting to see where the hay market will end up this fall.

Wyoming—In the Aug. 27 report, compared to last week all reported hay sold fully steady. Demand was good to very good in some locations. Some contacts said they have sold hay right out of the field and some hay has been spoken for that is still standing. Most of the state remains dry to very dry. Pastures are getting short with several reports that they never greened up this summer. Some producers are half or better done with third cutting in the east with producers in the west getting ready for second. Quite a lot of the hay has been staying within the state this year. Some loads continue to head out of state.