
Read Psalm 28:6-9

Cast all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you.—1 Peter 5:7 (NRSV)

My Boston Terrier, Fester, loves the game of fetch. Often when he brings the ball back, he will not let go of it and instead it becomes a game of tug-of-war. I tell Fester that if he wants to play fetch, he has to let go of the ball. This made me think of the times I go to God in prayer with a problem or need. Instead of leaving it with God, I start worrying about it again.

Holding on to my problems does me no good either.

When I have trouble letting go, it helps me to delve into the Bible and read God’s promises. After all, God has the answer to every problem or challenge I will ever face and has promised to be with me no matter what. God is never standing around wondering what to do. It is also helpful to recall God’s past faithfulness in my life—answered prayers and situations that seemed hopeless but eventually worked out. From the smallest to the biggest problem, if we let go of our worries and let God handle them, God always comes through.

Prayer—Dear Lord, help us to cast our cares on you, knowing that when we let you handle them, you always have the best solution. Amen.

Thought for the day—Whatever today brings, I will let God handle it.

—Brenda Brooks, Virginia.