High Plains Journal launches subscription campaign to benefit 4-H

Now through Dec. 31 HPJ will donate 25% of all subscription revenue to National 4-H

High Plains Journal has partnered with 4-H to support the national organization’s current fundraising campaign, #Opportunity4All. Through the end of the year, the weekly publication will donate 25% of new, renewal and gift subscription rates to 4-H. HPJ has committed to donating at least $22,500 to 4-H National as a result of this effort.

“Our publication has many ties to 4-H,” said Associate Publisher Zac Stuckey. “Many of our staff members are 4-H alumni, are parents of members, or are adult volunteers in their local 4-H programs. We see that the rural High Plains communities we serve directly benefit from the opportunities 4-H provides our young people through its programming and activities. It was only natural that we follow the 4-H principles and give back to a program we believe helps make the best better.”

Visit www.hpjsubscribe.com to purchase subscriptions online to benefit this 4-H partnership.