Pratt feeder cattle sale results

Pratt Livestock, Pratt, Kansas, reported estimated receipts of 2,000 head selling on Nov. 19, compared to 2,673 head trading Nov. 12 and 2,307 head selling a year ago, according to USDA-Kansas Department of Agriculture Market News, Dodge City, Kansas.

As this preliminary report compares to a week ago, the 700- to 950-pound steers were selling $5 to $10 lower. The steer calves weighing 500 to 700 pounds were trading steady to $3 higher. There was no recent comparison on 600- to 850-pound heifers; however, a lower market was noted. The heifers weighing 850 to 950 pounds were selling $1 higher. The heifer calves weighing 400 to 600 pounds were trading $5 higher. The demand was moderate. The supply included 100% feeder cattle with 79% steers and 21% was heifers. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 86%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 2 head, 300 to 340 lbs., 182.00 to 197.00 (189.97); 2 head, 382 lbs., 191.00; 2 head, 352 lbs., 155.00, unweaned; 7 head, 411 to 413 lbs., 181.00 to 190.00 (186.13); 33 head, 460 to 490 lbs., 164.50 to 179.50 (166.67); 47 head, 502 to 547 lbs., 151.00 to 160.50 (157.00); 29 head, 560 to 585 lbs., 144.00 to 152.00 (147.43); 83 head, 604 to 645 lbs., 139.75 to 150.50 (143.99); 28 head, 656 to 664 lbs., 139.00 to 145.50 (142.50); 14 head, 686 lbs., 150.00, fancy; 19 head, 682 lbs., 130.50, unweaned; 8 head, 734 lbs., 137.50; 102 head, 751 to 799 lbs., 131.00 to 136.00 (133.38); 95 head, 814 to 846 lbs., 135.00 to 137.25 (136.94); 802 head, 851 to 890 lbs., 130.00 to 137.25 (136.63); 58 head, 876 lbs., 139.00, fancy; 4 head, 917 lbs., 129.00; 77 head, 936 lbs., 140.85, fancy; 77 head, 952 to 962 lbs., 126.00 to 133.50 (131.76); 7 head, 963 lbs., 119.00, fleshy. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 16 head, 536 to 539 lbs., 135.50 to 142.00 (137.12); 13 head, 677 lbs., 129.00. Large frame 1, 3 head, 1001 lbs., 116.00.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 2 head, 332 lbs., 156.00, unweaned; 2 head, 422 lbs., 150.00; 27 head, 455 to 485 lbs., 143.00 to 149.00 (145.84); 22 head, 500 to 511 lbs., 139.50 to 145.00 (141.75); 7 head, 534 lbs., 128.00, unweaned; 57 head, 560 to 595 lbs., 134.00 to 136.00 (134.67); 9 head, 641 lbs., 124.50; 10 head, 674 to 698 lbs., 121.00 to 123.00 (121.98); 31 head, 716 to 734 lbs., 126.00 to 133.00 (129.16); 15 head, 753 to 760 lbs., 125.50 to 130.50 (128.49); 10 head, 799 lbs., 117.50, full; 77 head, 850 to 890 lbs., 122.50 to 125.75 (122.96); 44 head, 916 to 937 lbs., 118.25 to 123.50 (120.79); 28 head, 953 lbs., 127.50, fancy. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 9 head, 476 lbs., 131.00; 5 head, 914 lbs., 107.50. Large frame 1, 50 head, 1002 to 1030 lbs., 102.00 to 126.00 (107.88).