
Read Matthew 4:18-22

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.—Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)

On a beautiful fall day, I drove along a narrow, curving road on a mountain in North Carolina. As I began the descent, multiple road signs warned, “Road Worsens After Truck Ramp.” I gripped the steering wheel, tapped the brakes, and prepared for the worst. But the next several miles did not get narrower or curvier. In fact, the road never worsened at all. At the foot of the mountain, I thought, “Those signs ruined my drive!”

Then I thought about the ominous “signs” I place in my own path—like the one that whines “Day Worsens After Lunch” or the one that warns “Life Worsens After 60.” Those signs ruin my day and invite fear into my life.

I don’t need those signs anyway—Jesus has given me the guidance I need. Just as the disciples dropped their nets and followed Jesus, I must drop my signs and follow him. With Jesus by my side, I can ascend the mountain of my fear and move forward despite obstacles. And with confidence in Jesus’ love, I can find joy in my life’s journey.

Prayer—Dear God, help us to trust in you and rejoice in the journeys of our lives. Help us to let go of the negative thoughts so that we can follow you. Amen.

Thought for the day—What “signs” keep me from following Christ?

—K. Anne Smith, Tennessee