EPA approves IMIFLEX herbicide for use in igrowth sorghum

UPL announces that the Environmental Protection Agency has granted approval for IMIFLEX Herbicide, the companion herbicide for igrowth, the first non-GMO, commercially available herbicide-resistant technology for grain sorghum from Alta Seeds. For the first time, sorghum growers have the ability to control weed pressures during the growing season, giving growers the ability to realize the full potential of their sorghum crop.

IMIFLEX is the only imidazolinone herbicide certified for pre- or post-emergence applications with the igrowth system. This Group 2 herbicide provides broad-spectrum, residual control of yield-robbing grass and broadleaf weeds, including lambsquarter, pigweed, morningglory, Texas Panicum, crabgrass and foxtail.

“Sorghum growers can experience major yield loss when invasive weed species such as pigweed or lambsquarters move into their fields. IMIFLEX provides in-season control of weeds that gives growers an easier field and harvest experience year after year,” says Ryan Bryant-Schlobohm, UPL Technical Services Manager in Amarillo, Texas.

“Trial data shows IMIFLEX provides excellent control of both grass and broadleaf weeds in sorghum, a breakthrough technology for the crop,” he adds. “Results from extensive field testing shows the crop experiences no negative yellowing or harm compared with other technologies. The side-by-side plots illustrated the incredible impact this technology will have for sorghum growers.”

Innovative tool for battling tough weed pressures

Weed pressure robs the crop of sunlight, water and nutrients during the growing season, Bryant-Schlobohm says. It also puts additional stress on equipment during harvest and leads to an increasing number of weed seeds in the soil for the next growing season. IMIFLEX and the igrowth technology target these challenges head-on.

“Sorghum growers need this advanced technology to achieve higher production goals, maintain profitability and manage weed pressures from year to year,” says Tanner Antonick, Central U.S. Account Manager, Alta Seeds. “This summer during the Sorghum Frontiers Virtual Field Days, growers were most excited to see multiple igrowth varieties specifically designed for each of the major sorghum-growing regions.”

This naturally occurring, non-GMO technology was discovered through genetic screening by the research and development team at Advanta, a global UPL-owned company. Alta Seeds is the U.S. division of Advanta.

For 2021, Alta Seeds is offering five igrowth hybrids with maturities suited for varying conditions in key sorghum states.

Integrated weed management

IMIFLEX contains imazamox, a Group 2 class of herbicide in the imidazolinone (IMI) family. Research shows imidazolinones are more effective in controlling yield-robbing weeds than other residual herbicides, a clear advantage in resistance management programs.

“IMIFLEX is also compatible with other residual herbicides in a full-spectrum weed control program,” Bryant-Schlobohm adds. Field trials show IMIFLEX can be tank-mixed with other herbicides to address regional weed pressures and support the goal of managing resistant weeds throughout the Sorghum Belt.

From pigweeds in central Kansas to Texas Panicum in the Texas Plains, IMIFLEX will be valued by growers as a flexible tool to address regional weed challenges.

IMIFLEX has a favorable environmental profile for crop rotation systems and sustainability programs.

To learn more about IMIFLEX, visit the UPL website. For more about igrowth, visit Alta Seeds and hpj.com/sorghumfrontiers.