State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the Jan. 14 report, compared to last week, trade activity light on moderate to good demand for feedlot and dairy hay. Trade activity light on good demand for stable and farm/ranch quality hay. Northeast Colorado trade inactive on feedlot/dairy hay as growers push for higher price points. Southeast Colorado trade activity moderate on good demand for horse hay. Trade inactive in the San Luis Valley, mountains, northwest and southwest Colorado areas.

Kansas—In the Jan. 19 report, hay market prices were steady for grass hay and $5 to $10 higher for alfalfa. Demand remains strong for alfalfa with less demand for grass hay currently. Movement of all hay types increased 3,500 tons over the previous week. Last week’s USDA Annual Crop Production Summary indicated that Kansas alfalfa hay production was down 21% from a year earlier, while alfalfa for haylage and greenchop production, was down 57% from last year. This helps explain the higher price of alfalfa. All other hay production was up 3% from last year, with all other haylage and greenchop production also up 3%.

Missouri—In the Jan. 14 report, compared to last report, the supply of hay is moderate, demand is moderate and prices are mostly steady. USDA production numbers were released. There is no doubt that there are some areas that are very short on hay supplies but just looking at this year’s production is not a complete indicator that all areas with lower production are currently hurting for hay, especially here in Missouri where many producers had a lot of carryover from the 2019 hay season. As with every year though it does seem really high quality hay is quite limited. Given that most of the hay in piles is not sufficient feed source alone and combined with the current high cost of other grains and by-products, if they can be found, it is making it a bit more difficult or expensive to provide adequate rations this feeding season.

Montana—In the Jan. 15 report, compared to last week, hay sold generally steady. Round hay supplies remain tight, however winter has been very mild which has helped curb demand in the state. Hay continues to ship to Wyoming in large quantities. A two tier market is developing in the state as a result. Hay in northern Montana is lower in price than in southern Montana due to delivery cost. Delivered prices range from $175-$210 to northern and central Wyoming depending on the quality and distance. Currently 34.5% of the state is in moderate drought or worse, nearly unchanged since last week. However, from last week, abnormally dry conditions increased by 17.38% with currently 81.03% of the state in abnormally dry status.

Nebraska—In the Jan. 14 report, compared to last week, most hay was steady except in the western part of the state large squares of alfalfa sold steady to $10 higher. Demand for large squares that are easily transported out of state was very good. With good demand for rounds and other rough type hay. Strong winds blew across the state mid-week. Several reports of flipped pivots and other damage as wind gust at 80 mph was recorded in several areas of the state. Overall, winter weather has been mild, and cattlemen have been able to hold off feeding hay. The dry weather is in the back of a lot of agriculture people minds as they hope this spring good ole’ Mother Nature will bring some much needed rain showers across the state.

New Mexico—This report will resume in the spring of 2021.

Oklahoma—In the Jan. 7 report,compared to the last report, hay trade remains slow as much of the trade area is very wet after week’s of snow and rain making bales that are stacked in rows in the field much more difficult to load. Wheat pastures are in rough shape, growers are hoping for more aggressive buying as winter weather is in full swing. No trades of ground alfalfa yet demand remains moderate to good as most feed yards seem to be current as of now. Demand remains moderate. Until hay trade becomes more active this will be a bi-weekly report.

South Dakota—In the Jan. 15 report, compared to last report, alfalfa hay fully steady, no comparison for other types of hay or straw. Demand just moderate overall as the weather has been abnormally mild, little snow and temps that are above normal. The best demand continues to come from out of state dairies that are in need of high testing alfalfa in large square bales, much less demand for round bales of lower qualities from in state buyers as the mild weather has greatly lessened the need for supplemental feeding of beef cattle. Demand rather light for straw and corn stalks, especially for corn stalks as the supply is great and the need for bedding is greatly reduced as ground conditions have been rather dry for the past three months. Hay producers are not feeling pressure to sell their inventory, as much winter still remains and conditions could change very quickly as they normally do.

Texas—In the Jan. 8 report, compared to the last report, hay prices are firm in the Panhandle and west. Hay prices in the north, central, east, and south are steady as those areas have received some much needed rain over the last few weeks. According to the US Drought Monitor, in Texas this week’s winter storm brought 1 to 4 inches of precipitation, more than what is normally received in an entire month this time of year. This resulted in one-category, and localized two-category improvements to drought areas in all but the far western part of the state, the Panhandle and South Texas. Due to limited sales and price changes this report will be released bi-weekly until more volumes of hay are moving. The next report release will be Jan. 22.

Wyoming—In the Jan. 14 report, compared to last week large squares of alfalfa sold $5 to $10 higher. Demand was good with contacts stating there phones have been busy this week with people looking for hay.