Tulia cattle auction summary

Tulia Livestock Auction, Tulia, Texas, reported receipts of 2,667 head of cattle selling on Jan. 14, compared to 3,214 head on Jan. 7 and 1,855 head a year ago, according to the USDA-Texas Department of Agriculture Market News, Amarillo, Texas.

The total included 2,520 head of feeder cattle, 54 head of slaughter cattle and 93 head of replacement cattle compared to a week ago’s total of 3,214 head of feeder cattle and a year ago’s total of 1,814 head of feeder cattle, 36 head of slaughter cattle and five head of replacement cattle. Compared to a week ago, the feeder steers and heifers were steady to $2 lower. The trade was active on moderate to good demand. The feedyards were hesitant to buy cattle as corn prices have increased throughout the week. The area received several inches of much needed moisture with the snow that swept across last weekend. The supply included 94% feeder cattle with 61% steers, 39% were heifers and 0% were bulls; 2% was slaughter cattle with 82% cows and 18% were bulls; and 3% was replacement cattle with 100% bred cows. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 81%.