KDA seeks responses on bluestem pasture survey

The Kansas Department of Agriculture is seeking respondent feedback for the 2021 Bluestem Pasture Survey to collect information on native tallgrass pasture use and practices.

The survey is administered through the K-State Land Use Survey Center and will be open through March 31. The survey asks about native tallgrass pasture availability, leasing rates, and fencing rates, and should take less than 15 minutes to complete.

The 2021 Kansas Bluestem Pasture Survey is voluntary, anonymous and confidential.

To complete the survey, visit https://tinyurl.com/bluestem2021.

If you are unable to complete the survey, but wish to participate, please contact Dr. Leah Tsoodle, Director, Land Use Survey Center, at LTsoodle@ksu.edu or Kerry Wefald, KDA Division of Agriculture Marketing, at 785-564-6758 to receive a written survey or to complete the survey over the telephone.

The Bluestem Pasture Survey is a collaborative effort between the Division of Agriculture Marketing at the Kansas Department of Agriculture and the K-State Land Use Survey Center within the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University.