State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the March 25 report, compared to last week, trade activity light on good demand for dairy hay. Trade activity light on good demand for stable and retail quality hay. Prices steady in northeast Colorado for stable hay. Prices steady in southeast Colorado for dairy hay. Prices unchanged for retail hay in the mountains and northwest Colorado areas. Trade inactive in the San Luis Valley and southwest Colorado areas.

Missouri—In the March 25 report, compared to last report, hay prices remain mostly steady although some lower quality hay is weak. Demand is light to moderate and supplies are moderate. Spring has officially arrived now and the green tint of grass is abundant across the state. Not enough to keep ahead of grazing needs in most areas just yet so some feeding will still be required for a while to prevent early overgrazing of pastures. Wet conditions have prevented any farther field work thus far. Still some hay moving but that will quickly start to wind down as feeding days are fading fast.

Nebraska—In the March 25 report, compared to last week alfalfa, grass hay and ground and delivered forages steady. Dehydrated and sun-cured pellets steady. Nice rain the first part of the week over a large part of the state. Between the last two weeks several inches of welcomed moisture across majority of the state will help early season grass and alfalfa get a good start on new growth. Several loads continue to go out of state.

Oklahoma—In the March 18 report, compared to the last report Feb. 28, the hay trade remains slow, recent rainfall has hay pastures storing round bales hard to get loaded onto trucks. No trades of ground alfalfa again this week. Demand remains moderate as most feed yards and dairies seem to be current as of now. Demand remains moderate for farmers and ranchers.

Texas—In the March 19 report, compared to the last report, hay prices are firm to $10 higher per ton in the Panhandle, west, north, and central Texas. Hay prices are mostly steady to firm in south and east Texas. Hay supplies continue to tighten across all regions. Along with the severe weather, locally more than 1 inch of rainfall was observed across the Texas Panhandle, resulting in drought improvement. Additionally, across other regions in the southern Plains, western Gulf Coast, and lower Mississippi Valley, mostly dry weather prevailed along with above normal temperatures and periods of increased winds. The next report will be released April 2.

Kansas—In the March 30 report, compared to the last report, demand was light to moderate and deliveries slowed the past week due to the mud. Hay market prices were mostly steady to $10 higher for alfalfa in the southwest and south-central regions. Alfalfa in the southwest is very difficult to find, and although you can still find loads here and there in the central region, barns are emptying out.

New Mexico—This report will resume in the spring of 2021.

South Dakota—In the March 26 report, compared to last week, all classes steady. Good demand remains for dairy quality hay, best demand is coming from out of state dairies. Very light demand for straw and corn stalks. Rain early week across eastern SD has made for very muddy conditions, making it difficult to load hay. Very warm weather in the forecast for next week with temps reaching into the 70s. Large volumes of hay continue to be offered in the regional hay auctions, as supplies of hay across the state are more than adequate, especially in light of the easier winter that we experienced. This fact has sure put a damper on the hay market.

Wyoming—In the March 25 report, compared to last week all reported hay sold steady. Demand was good. Light to moderate snow across most of the state last week. This spring moisture is the most many areas have received in a very longtime. Some contacts getting ready to plant barley.

Montana—In the March 26 report, compared to the last week, hay sold steady to weak. Producers have started to let go of supplies as the weather has warmed and grass has started to green in some locations. Feeder type hay remains very limited. Most producers only have higher quality second and third cutting remaining to sell this year. Spotty rains have been seen in some locations, however drought concerns remain high. Rain and snow fell in central and south eastern Montana over the past week, however very little moisture is forecasted for the next week.