Time is right to press on antitrust laws

This was a text recently sent to me that read as follows, “We have a big problem—well, four to be exact. Consumers are paying way too much for beef at the grocery store. Meanwhile, our independent cattle producers, who we rely on to feed the world, are going broke.

“Between the consumer and producer sit four large beef-packing companies that control over 80% of the processing market. These four packers seemingly are able to control prices at their will and thus have realized significant profits while consumers and independent cattle producers pay the price.

“The time has come to fix this. We are launching a bipartisan, nationwide effort to defend our consumers and cattlemen. We have announced that we are sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking it to examine whether the control meat packers have of the processing market violates United States antitrust laws. We are asking members of Congress—House and Senate, Republican and Democrat to support this effort.

“We need your help. Please call your member of Congress and ask them to join our letter to protect consumers and cattle producers. The congressional switchboard can be reached at 202-224-3121."

Current sponsors are Sens. Mike Rounds, R-SD, Tina Smith, D-MN, Cory Booker, D-NJ, Steve Daines, R-MT, Cynthia Lummis, R-WY; Reps. Warren Davidson, R-OH, Yvette Herrell, R-NM, Rick Allen, R-GA, Andy Barr, R-KY, and Paul Gosar, R-AZ.” Also, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt and Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture Blayne Arthur.

I challenge you to call your representative or senator plus every local and state and national cattle organization and the state and national banking association. Plus, Farm Bureau and Farmers Union and everyone else you can think of. It is now or never, do or die.

If everyone will get on board and put pressure on the DOJ maybe we can get something done.

You ask, “What did a wise man once tell his wife? Nothing, because he was a wise man.”

One cowgirl said to the other, “I got this horse for my husband.” The other cowgirl said, “Sounds like a good trade to me.”

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.