Final call for sheep and goat producer input

The South Dakota State University Extension Small Ruminant Team—in collaboration with colleagues throughout the United States—recently kicked off a survey inviting sheep and goat producers to share their interests and needs to help direct future extension programming. To date, more than 460 responses from 46 states have been collected with many common threads emerging.
“This national survey is helping to collectively identify producer strengths and struggles to cooperatively strengthen extension program efforts in South Dakota and across the United States,” said Jaelyn Quintana, SDSU Extension sheep field specialist.
“By participating in the survey, producers can share preferences on production and management topics of importance, as well as program delivery methods,” said Kelly Froehlich, assistant professor and SDSU Extension specialist in small ruminant production. “It will also help extension professionals gain insight to current production challenges and farm and ranch demographics.”
Responses to the survey need to be recorded by July 31. The survey is voluntary, confidential and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The Sheep and Goat Producer Needs Assessment can be found online at Alternatively, surveys can be sent by mail or email upon request.
For more information or questions, please contact Froehlich at or 605-688-5765; Quintana at or 605-394-1722; or Heidi Carroll, SDSU Extension livestock stewardship field specialist and beef quality assurance coordinator, at or 605-688-6623.