Hay market prices again steady

Hay market prices were steady across the board. Demand remains good for alfalfa, and folks are relieved that lots of hay is getting baled up, although most is going to the grinder hay market. Most producers report they have finished first cutting with good yield but have concerns for second cutting. The past week has seen relief from the blistering  plus degree temperatures we had two weeks ago, which expanded the abnormally dry conditions in Kansas. The cooler temps and the receipt of some much-needed precipitation will certainly help the prairie grass. Prices are given on a per-ton basis, unless otherwise noted, and are average price.


Dairy alfalfa, ground and delivered, grinding alfalfa steady; movement moderate. Premium horse alfalfa, small squares, $260-$280. Dairy 1.05-1.10/point RFV, supreme, $195-$250, premium, $180-$205, good, $155-$185. Stock or dry cow, $175-$185. Grinding alfalfa, $180-$190 with instances at $200. Ground and delivered locally to feed lots and dairies, $205-$215 with instances at $230-$240. Grass hay, large 4×4 squares, $95-$105. Sudan: none reported. Wheat straw, none reported. For the week ending June 26, 13,962 tons of grinding alfalfa and 743 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold.

South central:

Dairy alfalfa, alfalfa pellets, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered steady to $5 higher; movement slow. Horse alfalfa, small squares, $255-$275. Dairy 1.05-1.10/point RFV, supreme, $195-$250, premium, $180-$205, good, $155-$185. Good stock cow, $185-$195. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, $160-$175 delivered. New crop, $160-$175 at the edge. Ground and delivered $185-$195 with an instance at $200-$210. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $215-$225, 17% protein, $220-$230, dehydrated 17% protein, $305-$315. Bluestem grass hay, 3×3 squares, $100-$110, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, none reported, large rounds, $70-$75. Brome: none reported. Sudan: none reported. Corn stalks: none reported. Wheat straw: none reported. For the week ending June 26, 6,994 tons of grinding alfalfa and 250 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold.


Dairy alfalfa steady, grinding alfalfa, grass hay steady, movement slow. Horse or goat alfalfa, $230-$240. Dairy 1-1.05/point RFV. Stock cow, $155-$165. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, large rounds, $140-$160. Ground and delivered, none reported. Bluestem grass hay, small squares, $115-$125, good 3×3 squares, $100-$120, good, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $90-$115, large rounds, $60-$70. Good brome, small squares, none reported, 3×4 to 4×4 squares, $90-$115, large rounds, none reported. Wheat straw, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $60-$80. For the week ending June 26, 2,903 tons of grass hay was reported bought/sold.


Dairy alfalfa, ground/delivered steady, grinding alfalfa steady, movement slow. Horse or goat alfalfa, $220-$230. Dairy, premium/supreme 1.05-1.10/point RFV. Stock cow, fair/good, $165-$175. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, $135-$145 with an instance at $150. Ground and delivered, not a large enough sample to report. Sudan, large rounds, $60-$70. Wheat straw, large squares none reported.

North central/northeast:

Dairy alfalfa steady, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered steady, grass hay mostly steady, movement slow to moderate. Premium horse alfalfa, small squares, $9-$10/bale. Dairy 1.05-1.10/point RFV, supreme, $195-$250, premium, $180-$205, good, $155-$185. Stock cow, $160-$170. Fair/good, grinding alfalfa large rounds, $100-$120, 3×4 squares, $120-$145, Ground and delivered $160-$170. Bluestem grass hay, small squares, $6-$7/bale, 3×4 to 4×4 square, $90-$100, large rounds, $60-$70. Brome, small squares, $7-$8/bale, 3×4 to 4×4 squares, $105-$115, large rounds, $90-$95. Sudan, large rounds, $70-$85. Wheat straw, none reported. For the week ending June 26, 1,838 tons of grinding alfalfa and 350 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold.

Source: Kansas Department of Agricutlure-USDA Market News Service, Manhattan, Kansas.