Small-town FFA alum follows passion to successful career

The Mulhall-Orlando FFA chapter has a long and proud tradition of success in a variety of competitions, but perhaps the most significant contribution is the success it has generated in its alumni after their graduation from its activities.

This small rural community has produced state congressmen, bank presidents, successful entrepreneurs, and leaders across the spectrum of agricultural fields. One of our more recent alumni has been making waves in the livestock industry with her outstanding leadership.

Kass Newell currently works as the executive vice president of the Oklahoma Youth Expo, but her journey started on the family farm just outside the small town of Orlando, Oklahoma. Growing up in Orlando had Newell involved in many agricultural activities even before joining the FFA. Her family has a strong agricultural background that led her to want to be in the FFA more than anything.

She says that “I still remember the day I received my FFA jacket, I was so excited.” The FFA had many activities that she was involved in including livestock judging, exhibiting livestock, and giving speeches. After completing high school Newell used the knowledge gained through FFA to earn a livestock judging scholarship to Redlands Community College and eventually Oklahoma State University where she not only received her master’s degree but was also an All-American Livestock judging recipient and a member of the National Champion Meat Animal Evaluation team.

Newell credits FFA with providing her the foundation for the success she has had. “The lessons learned through FFA activities paved the way for me in many aspects of life and as a student. I learned leadership skills, networking, communication, respect, time management and so much more. Beyond the lessons learned, the friendships gained are irreplaceable. Most of the connections gained through FFA are still people I am associated with today.”

Many former FFA members can relate to this experience. The FFA’s unique model of learning built on three core areas has been delivering effective educational instruction since its inception in 1928. This combination of classroom instruction, supervised agriculture experience programs and the FFA student organization activities and competitions strongly influenced Newell and led her to seek out a profession that would allow her to impact other young students and their agriculture experiences.

Newell had multiple SAE projects while in FFA and competed in many activities at all levels. She raised, sold, and exhibited Angus cattle and goats. She also participated in public speaking competitions and livestock judging. Her SAE’s and activities were areas of agriculture that she was passionate about. She recommends that if a student is looking for an SAE today, he or she should find “an SAE you are passionate about” because “without passion, the project wouldn’t be as meaningful.” For parents new to the FFA and SAEs she feels it is important to “not get overwhelmed.” Her advice to parents with a new FFA member is to “know what is going on with the chapter and communicate with their FFA advisor.” Newell believes parents should be supportive of their students, no matter what area of FFA they want to be involved in.

Newell exhibited livestock across the country, but some of her fondest showring moments happened at the Oklahoma Youth Expo. Now she has come full circle, from a wide-eyed young girl walking down the ramp with her first heifer to being the one behind the scenes in charge of the show. Serving as the executive vice president of the Oklahoma Youth Expo allows her to interact with and provide opportunities for numerous FFA members across the state.

One of her greatest joys is being able to watch students who have worked hard all year long, and then seeing their hard work pay off in the ring. “Standing in the Grand Drive watching students reach their goals gives me goosebumps every single time.”

From a small-town Oklahoma girl with a passion for agriculture to a successful executive of the World’s Largest Junior Livestock Show, some might say Newell has lived a charmed life. But it is that passion that drove her to set an example for other FFA members to follow and continues to push her to make an influence in agriculture today. Mulhall-Orlando FFA is proud to call Newell in its roll of alumni members and is excited to see how her influence will affect the next generation of FFA leaders in Oklahoma.