Hay prices mostly steady

Compared to the last report, prices were mostly steady but are bullish, according to the Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, July 26.

Folks are getting a lot of calls, but buyers and sellers are both nervous about making the deal, as all are unsure of where the price should truly be. Pricing is all over the map and not much has settled in yet, as there are a lot of “asking” prices being thrown around, but not a lot of “actual trade” prices to report. Crops out west continue to fail as the drought worsens and water allotments begin to run out. It’s hard to imagine things getting worse, but it apparently can. Once again, as a reminder, forage scams are continuing to crop up. Make sure whoever you are purchasing hay from is legit or someone you know.

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor for July 19, a warm and mainly dry week dominated the region. Eastern Kansas had widespread introduction of abnormally dry conditions and moderate drought expansion. Severe and extreme drought expanded over much of western Kansas. Abnormally dry conditions increased to just over 28%, moderate drought decreased to near 14%, severe drought increased to 17%, extreme drought increased to near 20%, and exceptional drought increased to near 3%. Prices are based on averages and are given on a per-ton basis, unless otherwise noted.


Dairy alfalfa, and ground and delivered steady, grinding alfalfa steady to $5 higher, movement slow. Supreme horse alfalfa, small squares, new crop, $12/bale. Dairy 1.10-1.15/point RFV, supreme, $204-$230, premium, $185-$215, good, $165-$195. Stock or dry cow, $200-$210. Grinding alfalfa, large rounds, new crop, $210-$220 with an instance at $235, new crop large 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $240-$250. Ground and delivered locally to feed lots and dairies, old crop, $210-$220, new crop, $235-$245. Bluestem grass hay, large rounds, $125-$135 delivered, large 3×4 squares, $150-$170 delivered. For the week ending July 23, 5,289 tons of grinding alfalfa and 200 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought or sold.

South central:

Dairy alfalfa, ground and delivered steady, alfalfa pellets steady to $5 higher, grinding alfalfa steady to $10 higher, movement slow to moderate. Horse alfalfa, small squares, $255-$275. Dairy 1.10-1.15/point RFV, supreme, $204-$230, premium, $185-$215, good, $165-$195. Good stock cow, new crop, $215-$230. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, new crop large rounds, $185-$205 delivered, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $215-$230. Ground and delivered, $200-$215, new crop, $215-$230. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $245-$265, 17% protein, $250-$270, dehydrated 17% protein, $310-$315. Bluestem grass hay, large  3×4 squares, old crop, $110-$125. Brome, small squares, $9/bale, large rounds, $115-$125. Oat straw, $80-$90. Wheat straw, $95-$105. For the week ending 23, 6,001 tons of grinding alfalfa and 850 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought or sold.


Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa steady, grass hay mostly steady, movement slow. Horse or goat alfalfa, $260-$270. Dairy 1.05-1.10/point RFV. Good stock cow, $200-$225. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, $155-$165, new crop, $175-$200. Bluestem grass hay, small squares, $125-$135, large rounds, $75-$85, good 3×4 squares, $100-$120. Brome, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $120-$130. For the week ending July 23, 963 tons of grass hay was reported bought or sold.


Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa and stock cow steady, movement slow. Horse or goat alfalfa, small squares, $300-$400 delivered, 3×4 squares, $250-$260. Dairy, premium/supreme 1.10-1.15/point RFV. Stock cow, fair/good, $195-$205. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, $185-$195.

North central/northeast:

Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered and grass hay steady, movement moderate. Premium horse alfalfa, small squares, $11.50-$12.50/bale. Dairy 1.10-1.15/point RFV, supreme, $204-$230, premium, $185-$215, good, $165-$195. Stock cow, $200-$210. Fair/good, grinding alfalfa new crop, $195-$205, new crop large 3×4 squares, $200-$230; Ground and delivered, old contracts, $175-$190. Bluestem grass hay, small squares, $8/bale, large 3×4 squares, $130-$140, 3×3 squares, $100-$110, good large rounds old crop, $85-$100. Brome, small squares, $9/bale, new crop large rounds, $145-$155. Oat straw, large rounds, $85-$95. Wheat straw, small squares, $6/bale, large rounds, $80-$90, large squares, $85-$100. For the week ending July 23, 3,196 tons of grinding alfalfa and 525 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought or sold.

Source: Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, Manhattan, Kansas.