John Deere is now offering HarvestLab 3000 Grain Sensing on 2018 or newer John Deere S700 series combines.
Grain Sensing continuously measures and monitors protein, starch and oil values in wheat, barley or canola in real time as the combine is harvesting.
This site-specific data can then be viewed in the combine, or in the John Deere Operations Center. As the combine moves through the field, a motor-driven auger pushes grain in front of the HarvestLab 3000 near-infrared sensor.
Together, with the StarFire receiver, site-specific data is generated on the Generation 4 Display and sent to Operations Center via JDLink.
Farmers can use Operations Center to review harvest results and field profitability with different tools that include Analyze and Field Analyzer. Farmers can also pair information in Operations Center with partner software to gain additional insights or to create application maps for fertilizer or other inputs.
For more information, see a dealer or visit