The High Plains receives much needed rain at last

The High Plains can finally breathe a small sigh of relief as the rainfall meteorologists predicted for the week of April 23 was widespread and covered large areas of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Colorado.

Oklahoma, in particular, benefited from the four-day storm system and the entire state received rainfall. According to, between April 23 and April 27, some areas of Garvin County, Oklahoma, received as much as 4.5 inches of moisture. Miami, Oklahoma, received the least rainfall with .18 inches.

Certain areas of Southwest Kansas received one to three inches of rain, with Garden City, Kansas, measuring 2.35 inches and 2.04 in Dodge City, Kansas.

Texas’ rainfall was sporadic, with some areas receiving as much as six inches, and others in West Texas having 0 to .02 inches. More rain is in the forecast for Friday, April 28, offering more chances to correct the extreme drought plaguing the High Plains.

Lacey Vilhauer can be reached at 620-227-1871 or [email protected].