Missouri black vulture program

Black vultures are increasing in population and their aggressive nature can cause problems for livestock producers in Missouri. Unlike the less-aggressive turkey vulture, black vultures are known to gang up and prey on newborn livestock. They sometimes attack cows that are ill or giving birth. While they feed on dead animals, they can kill small to medium sized animals.
Black vultures leave characteristic evidence of their depredation. They can inflict damage to livestock by plucking out eyes, disemboweling, or eating tongues of newborn and sick animals.
Black vultures are federally protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 . This means the birds, their nests and eggs cannot be killed or destroyed unless a permit is obtained from the Missouri Farm Bureau. Permits are free and producers can obtain up to five annually. Find permit information at mofb.org or by calling 573-893-1416.
Producers can request a site visit or technical assistance from the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service-Wildlife Services. Contact USDA-APHIS 573-449-3033 x10 to discuss options, evaluate the situation, and/or schedule time to establish a customized damage management plan.