Nearby prices were down 10 cents to unchanged with new crop unchanged at the crush plants this week. United States Department of Agriculture released its planted acres report last week. Area planted to sunflower in 2023 totals 1.35 million acres, down 20% from 2022.
Compared with last year, growers in all eight of the major sunflower production states showed a decrease in planted acreage this year, with South Dakota having the largest decline in acreage from last year. The harvested area is expected to decrease 20% from last year to 1.3 million acres.
Planted area of oil type varieties, at 1.2 million acres, is down 24% from 2022, and harvested area is expected to decrease 23% from last year to 1.14 million acres.
Planted acreage of non-oil varieties, estimated at 164,000 is up 15% from last year. The harvested area is expected to increase 20% from last year to 153,500 acres. Planted acres were 1% lower than the agency’s March estimate of 1.36 million acres, a difference of only 14,000 acres.
Compared with the March planting intentions report oil type acres decreased by 20,000 with confection plantings adding 6,000 acres. At the time the survey was conducted planting was still going on in several states so acreage figures could change in the next report. With the release of the USDA report, the key to oilseed prices going forward will be U.S. summer weather and demand news.