
Bible - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

Read Luke 8:22-25

Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.—Luke 8:25 (NIV) 

Growing up in the southwestern United States, we knew that we would have to deal with severe weather from time to time. It could be in the form of drought or a fierce thunderstorm. Sometimes the storms would produce a tornado. One minute you could be standing in the middle of clear and sunny day, then all of a sudden a dangerous storm would appear. 

Something similar happened one day when Jesus and his disciples were in boat on a calm day crossing over to the other side of a lake. A terrible storm arose, so fierce that everyone feared for their lives. While all of this was happening, Jesus was asleep. The others called to him to wake up. They believed that Jesus would be able to do something to help them. Jesus heard their cry, got up, spoke to the storm, and the winds and raging waves became still. 

Jesus always anticipated the needs of those who needed his help. And Jesus did in fact have the power to calm that storm. Jesus wants us to know that no matter what storms arise in our lives, if we trust him and do not lose faith, he will bring us calm and peace—even in the middle of the storm. 

Prayer: Almighty God, when the storms of life are raging in our lives, stand by us. We know that you have the power to bring calm and safety. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen. 

Thought for the day: Jesus anticipates my needs and will help me through any storm. 

Anthony Sims, Texas