It is time to soar, ‘stupid’

Zachary Stuckey

Keep it simple. I am beginning to think each kiss from mom was really an inherent expression about me. She would tell meabout this “KISS” (Keep it simple, stupid) method and to stop overanalyzing. Weigh your pros and cons, trust your gut, decide and move on. Either an attraction to “simple” is synonymous with a rising number of candles on my cake, or I have finally realized there is virtue in bypassing complexity.

Easter was a simple gathering this year, a traditional feast of relishes, ham, turkey and trimmings followed with a steady walk to soak in fellowship with family. We stuffed, hid and hunted countless eggs. Although conventional is fun, this time the highlight was a centuries-old activity. A simple string, a spool and a little wind granted five kids and five adults an experience they will never forget flying kites together.

Pictures display joy while eyes gazed at the clouds. I could not help but recognize the five kites in the sky and what they symbolized in a greater context. Obviously, “KISS” is still growing on me. Somehow, I managed to transform a simple activity to how it applies to business, farming, ranching, parenting, coaching, teaching, etc. I thought about the steps it took for these kites to reach the height to which they soared. Each step is a milestone closer to lifting off into the wind.

• Build your kite with help. Give it a foundation from an experienced hand that passes knowledge from one generation to the next. This reminds me of my grandpa and my dad. Each adapted and learned along the way, but the wisdom of the farmer before him paved the way.

• Sometimes your kite will crash. There are countless lessons we learn from unfavorable experiences. Many times, tactics do not pan out like you envision, but, thankfully, we grow and are better because of them.

• Sometimes you have to chase the spool across the yard. Sometimes you feel like you can’t get out of a rut, or that you take “two steps forward and one step back.” This is something many of us combat and, unfortunately, it is also much like my golf game. Always remember, progress is key.

• Lines get tangled in trees or with a fellow flyer. Different opinions and perspectives add to understanding and confidence. Plus, if everyone was agreeable, we would have a world full of vanilla. Always give people the benefit of doubt. Be open-minded. You will grow from it.

• Fly all kites together, in one line and at the same time. A team that works together to achieve a common goal will always reach heights far beyond what anyone could accomplish on their own.

It does not need to be a holiday to smooch or find a way to pucker up. Keep it simple (KISS) all the days of your life. Avoid complexity and rise above the rest.

Zac Stuckey can be reached at 620-227-1833 or