
Bible - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

Acts of the Apostles 12:1-17 

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” —Matthew 17:20 (NIV) 

Our church holds evening services twice a week on an open field. One Sunday as we were setting up for a service, thick, dark clouds began to gather. My pastor husband said, “Let’s pray for fair weather,” and we began to pray fervently. Soon we heard heavy rain hitting roofs in the distance as the powerful storm approached. Everyone ran for shelter. Miraculously, no rain fell on our meeting grounds despite the heavy downpour around us. 

Sometimes we pray but inwardly doubt that God will answer us. We may not always feel like we have the “mountain-moving faith” Jesus talked about, and we’re not alone. When Peter was in prison, “constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.” But when Peter was miraculously released and went to Mary’s house, the people praying there didn’t believe it was Peter knocking on the door. 

God understands how quickly we get discouraged when things don’t go as we expect. But that’s one reason God gave us the Holy Spirit—to remind us that even when we are discouraged, God still works for our good. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, encourage us when we doubt, and give us grace to trust in your promises. Amen. 

Thought for the Day: God hears me when I pray. 

Catherine Kwao (Greater Accra Region, Ghana)