We need to stay on top of who walks in

"Just A Scoopful" - Jerry Nine

This past week, I read where a Venezuela gang had taken over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, with guns, forcing residents to leave. Incidents like this are the reason we do not need an open border, allowing anyone and everyone to come into America.

We have no idea who is here. I have friends who are not legal immigrants who simply want to raise their family in a country that is free, and they are willing to work hard to get there. California has a bill proposed to let illegal residents apply for $150,000  to own a house. Some say if that passes it will be tried in more states across the country.

 Last week’s feeder prices were still good, even though not as high as a few months ago. I saw some heifers, mixed, colored weighing 689 pounds that brought $238.50 per hundredweight, and 70 head of nice black heifers weighing 745 pounds brought $240 per hundredweight. Sixty-six black steers weighing 812 pounds brought $241.60 per hundredweight, and their brothers weighing 905 pounds brought $229.50 per hundredweight. It is still a good market; however, most of us look back and want the highest market we have seen all year.

We received about an inch of rain, that is if you were in the right spot. It has been hot; however, I hate winter, and I get cold easily. A friend was telling me how he hated the heat. I told him, “I hope you don’t get overheated going from your air-conditioned apartment to your air-conditioned workplace.”

Don’t get lazy and decide to not check the cattle stock tank, and never look at the windmill fan turning and not drive up to the tank because it can be broken.

I have been adding that liquid IV to water when out in the heat. It’s a good thirst-quencher.

In the Bible, Lot’s wife looked back after God told her not to, and she turned into salt. My sister looked back and turned into a telephone pole.

My sister told me her husband was going to the dentist to get some implants. She said, “I got two implants from him last year.” I said, “Did you get breast implants?” She said, “No. How about tooth?”

A friend told me since the last storm her husband hasn’t stopped looking through the window. She said, “If it gets worse, I will have to let him in.”