
Bible - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

Genesis 8:1-5 

God remembered Noah. -Genesis 8:1 (KJV) 

I don’t live near the ocean, and I have no idea what it feels like to sit in a boat and see nothing but water on the horizon. I do, however, live in the midwestern United States, so during the winter my skyline often disappears into infinite snow. It’s a lonely time—a time of waiting. And it makes me think about Noah’s plight. The Bible says the water covered the earth for many months. That’s months of sitting in a boat, looking at an empty horizon. Months of feeling vulnerable, of drifting, of waiting on God. 

I wonder if Noah ever cried out like the psalmist, “Has God forgotten to be merciful?” (Ps. 77:9, NIV). 

Quite often the ordeals of this life seem to drag on and on. Sometimes when the stark horizon shows no sign of changing, like so many faithful people in the Bible we cry out in anguish to God. But the Bible is also full of passages like Genesis 8:1, “God remembered Noah.” 

Even people of faith need to hear that God will never leave them, forsake them, or forget them. God remembered Noah, and God will remember you and me. 

Prayer: Dear God, hear our cry for help. Thank you for stories from scripture that strengthen us. Remind us that Noah’s floodwaters did not last forever. Amen. 

Thought for the day: Waiting for God doesn’t mean God has forgotten me. 

Geo PicKell (North Dakota, USA)