Hay prices mostly steady

Hay market prices were mostly steady across the state; steady to $10 higher for alfalfa in the southwest, according to the Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, April 6.

Demand was light to moderate and deliveries slowed a bit more this past week. The alfalfa has greened up and stands range in height from 3 to 8 inches in some areas and currently, subsoil moisture seems to be adequate. Folks have been busy spraying for weeds and pests, with both weevil and aphids being reported in fields. Prices reflect the average price and are given on a per-ton basis.


Dairy alfalfa, steady; grinding alfalfa, steady to $5 higher; ground and delivered steady to 10 higher, movement slow to moderate. Premium horse alfalfa, small squares, $260-$280. Dairy 1-1.05/point RFV, supreme, $185-$237, premium, $170-$195, good, $150-$178.50. Stock or dry cow, $170-$180. Current grinding alfalfa, $175-$185 with an instance at $190-$200. New crop 2021 grinder hay, in the bale, $165-$175 delivered. Current ground and delivered locally to feed lots and dairies, $200-$220 with instances at $235-$240. Grass hay, large 4×4 squares, $100-$110. Sudan, large rounds, $75-$85. Wheat straw, small squares, $3.50-$4.50/bale, large 3×4 squares, $80-$90. For the week ending April 6, 6,670 tons of grinding alfalfa and 1,436 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold.

South central:

Dairy alfalfa, alfalfa pellets, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered, steady; movement slow to moderate. Horse alfalfa, small squares, $255-$275. Dairy, 1/point RFV, supreme, $185-$225, premium, $170-$195, good, $150-$178. Stock cow, $165-$175. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, $150-$160 delivered with instances at $165-$170 delivered. Ground and delivered, $165-$175 with an instance at $180-$190. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $200-$215, 17% protein, $210-$220, dehydrated 17% protein, $305-$310. Bluestem grass hay, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $90-$100, large rounds, $60-$75. Brome, large 3×4 squares, $90-$100, large rounds, $90-$100. Teff, large rounds, $135-$145. Oat hay, large rounds, $65-$75. Sudan, large rounds, $80-$90. For the week ending April 6, 7,583 tons of grinding alfalfa and 215 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold.


Dairy/grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered steady, grass hay steady, movement slow to moderate. Horse or goat alfalfa, $230-$240. Dairy 1-1.05/point RFV. Stock cow, $150-$160. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, large rounds, $130-$140. Bluestem grass hay, small squares, $120-$125, good 3×3 squares, $100-$125, good, 3×4 squares, $90-$120, large 4×4 squares, $90-$110, large rounds, $65-$75. Good brome, 3×4 to 4×4 squares, $95-$120, large rounds, $65-$75. Wheat straw, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $60-$80. For the week ending April 6, 1,999 tons of grass hay was reported bought/sold.


Dairy alfalfa, ground/delivered steady, grinding alfalfa steady, movement slow. Horse or goat alfalfa, $220-$230. Dairy, premium/supreme 1/point RFV. Stock cow, fair/good, $165-$175. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, $130-$140. Ground and delivered locally to feedlots and dairies, $135-$140. Sudan, large rounds, $60-$70.

North central/Northeast:

Dairy alfalfa, grass hay, grinding alfalfa, ground/delivered steady, movement slow to moderate. Premium horse alfalfa, small squares, $9-$10/bale. Dairy 1-1.05/point RFV, supreme, $185-$237, premium, $170-$195, good, $150-$178.50. Stock cow, $150-$160. Fair/good, grinding alfalfa, $120-$130. Ground and delivered, $150-$160. Bluestem grass hay, small squares, $5.50-$6.50/bale, 3×4 to 4×4 squares, $100-$105, large rounds, $60-$90. Brome, small squares, $6.50-$7.50/bale, 3×4 to 4×4 squares, $110-$120, large rounds, $75-$85. Sudan, large rounds, $75-$80. Wheat straw, small squares, $5-$6/bale, large 4×4 squares, $75-$85, $100-$110 delivered, large rounds, $65-$75. For the week ending April 6, 2,213 tons of grinding alfalfa and 483.5 tons of dairy alfalfa was reported bought/sold.

Source: Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, Manhattan, Kansas.