Salina feeder cattle sale results

Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Commission, Salina, Kansas, reported receipts of 3,363 head selling on Dec. 10, compared to 2,493 head trading Dec. 3 and 3,015 head selling a year ago, according to USDA-Kansas Department of Agriculture Market News, Dodge City, Kansas.

Compared to a week ago, 450- to 900-pound steers were selling steady to $8 lower with steers weighing over 900 pounds trading $2 to $3 higher. Heifers under 450 pounds were trading $2 to $5 higher. Heifers 500 to 800 pounds and over 900 pounds were selling $1 to $7 lower and 800 to 900 pound heifers were trading $3 higher. The demand was moderate on a moderate to heavy supply. Supply included: 100% feeder cattle (62% steers, 37% heifers, 1% bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 pounds was 73%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 4 head, 353 to 373 lbs., 200.00 to 207.50 (203.65); 24 head, 426 to 439 lbs., 202.00 to 203.00 (202.63); 18 head, 455 to 488 lbs., 176.00 to 185.00 (180.39); 17 head, 450 to 465 lbs., 187.00 to 191.00 (189.38), fancy; 62 head, 514 to 549 lbs., 163.00 to 169.00 (166.39); 50 head, 501 to 533 lbs., 170.00 to 173.50 (171.62), fancy; 12 head, 524 to 539 lbs., 160.00 to 162.00 (161.09), unweaned; 128 head, 558 to 594 lbs., 156.00 to 160.50 (158.08); 14 head, 563 lbs., 164.00, fancy; 77 head, 600 to 633 lbs., 150.00 to 156.00 (152.93); 38 head, 605 to 644 lbs., 146.00 to 148.00 (147.33), unweaned; 186 head, 658 to 699 lbs., 141.00 to 146.00 (143.24); 64 head, 653 to 677 lbs., 147.50 to 148.50 (147.90), fancy; 15 head, 659 lbs., 149.75, thin fleshed; 88 head, 707 to 743 lbs., 136.50 to 141.50 (138.79); 74 head, 703 to 741 lbs., 142.75 to 144.50 (143.60), fancy; 74 head, 754 to 798 lbs., 135.00 to 142.50 (138.11); 15 head, 764 to 784 lbs., 143.50 to 144.00 (143.63), fancy; 56 head, 823 to 840 lbs., 138.00 to 139.00 (138.42); 62 head, 803 lbs., 142.50, fancy; 234 head, 870 to 899 lbs., 134.50 to 139.00 (135.37); 63 head, 884 lbs., 142.00, fancy; 132 head, 906 to 917 lbs., 131.00 to 135.50 (134.72); 37 head, 964 to 974 lbs., 127.00 to 128.50 (127.57). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 9 head, 424 to 425 lbs., 186.00 to 187.00 (186.22); 7 head, 460 to 483 lbs., 161.00 to 164.00 (162.32); 13 head, 529 to 543 lbs., 154.00 to 158.00 (155.86); 27 head, 560 to 595 lbs., 143.50 to 151.00 (147.37); 38 head, 601 to 646 lbs., 136.00 to 144.00 (140.72); 6 head, 643 lbs., 129.50, unweaned; 35 head, 651 to 697 lbs., 135.00 to 138.50 (136.85); 15 head, 678 to 690 lbs., 132.00, unweaned; 30 head, 705 to 739 lbs., 130.00 to 136.00 (133.95); 14 head, 758 to 793 lbs., 128.00 to 130.00 (129.24); 13 head, 823 to 839 lbs., 129.00 to 131.50 (130.53); 19 head, 860 to 896 lbs., 130.00 to 132.00 (130.73). Large frame 1, 17 head, 968 to 991 lbs., 122.00 to 123.00 (122.30); 5 head, 1010 lbs., 117.00; 17 head, 1056 to 1077 lbs., 113.00 to 116.00 (114.93).

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 5 head, 333 to 342 lbs., 165.00; 11 head, 362 to 369 lbs., 145.00 to 149.00 (147.01); 24 head, 423 to 449 lbs., 156.00 to 163.00 (159.14); 9 head, 403 lbs., 169.00, fancy; 15 head, 408 to 443 lbs., 149.00 to 154.00 (152.65), unweaned; 59 head, 451 to 499 lbs., 150.00 to 156.00 (153.94); 52 head, 504 to 518 lbs., 144.00 to 151.50 (147.65); 41 head, 538 to 545 lbs., 137.00 to 139.50 (138.89), unweaned; 66 head, 554 to 599 lbs., 131.00 to 136.00 (133.82); 30 head, 574 to 593 lbs., 139.00, fancy; 27 head, 561 to 573 lbs., 127.50 to 129.00 (127.87), unweaned; 118 head, 610 to 648 lbs., 129.00 to 134.00 (131.81); 27 head, 616 to 638 lbs., 124.00 to 126.00 (125.48), unweaned; 59 head, 656 to 687 lbs., 127.00 to 134.00 (128.90); 135 head, 711 to 732 lbs., 126.00 to 129.25 (127.65); 21 head, 703 lbs., 133.50, fancy; 109 head, 759 to 784 lbs., 128.50 to 130.50 (129.84); 42 head, 801 to 811 lbs., 127.00 to 130.50 (129.49); 25 head, 872 to 887 lbs., 120.50 to 125.50 (122.92); 7 head, 901 lbs., 117.00; 27 head, 966 lbs., 112.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 14 head, 473 to 483 lbs., 138.00 to 139.00 (138.14); 10 head, 535 to 545 lbs., 128.00 to 131.00 (129.81); 10 head, 562 to 570 lbs., 118.00 to 127.00 (123.92); 23 head, 625 to 647 lbs., 124.00 to 128.50 (127.48); 17 head, 668 to 685 lbs., 119.00 to 126.00 (123.23); 10 head, 705 to 735 lbs., 122.00 to 124.00 (122.80); 13 head, 762 lbs., 122.00; 14 head, 803 to 829 lbs., 118.00 to 120.00 (118.87); 6 head, 873 to 875 lbs., 115.00. Large frame 1, 15 head, 998 lbs., 107.75; 15 head, 1058 lbs., 90.00 to 94.00 (93.20); 4 head, 1183 lbs., 90.00.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 3 head, 765 lbs., 101.00; 10 head, 906 lbs., 88.00. Large frame 1, 21 head, 1185 to 1195 lbs., 75.00 to 85.00 (81.69).