Winter feeder cattle auction report

The Winter Livestock Feeder Cattle Auction, Dodge City, Kansas, reported receipts of 1,729 head on Jan. 3, compared to 4,096 head last year, according to the USDA-Kansas Department of Agriculture Market News, Dodge City, Kansas.

This was the first sale of the New Year 2018. The feeder steers and heifers weighing 650 to 900 pounds were firm with a higher undertone noted on a light supply of medium and large frame 1 animals. The steer and heifer calves were firm to higher in an undertone noted on a limited test. The slaughter cows and bulls were steady to firm. The trade was active and the demand was good. The receipts included 65% were 600 pounds and over, 26% were 600 pounds and under and 9% were slaughter cows and bulls. The feeder supply was 66% steers and 34% was heifers.

Steers: Medium and large frame 1, 450 to 500 lbs., 179.00 to 183.50 (182.29); 500 to 550 lbs., 174.50 to 177.00 (174.91); 600 to 650 lbs., 158.50 to 164.00 (161.66); 650 to 700 lbs., 150.00 to 156.50 (154.37); 700 to 750 lbs., 153.00 to 155.00 (154.38); value added 750 to 800 lbs., 161.75 to 161.85 (161.77); 800 to 850 lbs., 151.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 7 head, 499 lbs., 173.00; 500 to 550 lbs., 159.00 to 165.00 (160.85); 550 to 600 lbs., 159.00 to 162.00 (160.40); 600 to 650 lbs., 153.50 to 154.00 (153.69); 19 head, 742 lbs., 149.25; 750 to 800 lbs., 145.00 to 149.00 (148.46); 800 to 850 lbs., 145.00 to 149.00 (148.23); 850 to 900 lbs., 145.50 to 147.00 (145.99). Medium and large frame 2, 4 head 431 lbs., 153.00; 6 head 499 lbs., 131.00; 7 head 506 lbs., 146.00; 5 head, 565 lbs., 148.00.

Bulls: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 5 head, 539 lbs., 148.00; 7 head 615 lbs., 134.00; 5 head 651 lbs., 128.50; 4 head 732 lbs., 115.00.

Heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 450 to 500 lbs., 157.00 to 159.75 (159.42); 500 to 550 lbs., 155.50 to 157.00 (156.10); 550 to 600 lbs., 153.00 to 155.00 (153.46); 650 to 700 lbs., 149.25 to 150.25 (149.68); 59 head 722 lbs., 148.50; 37 head 876 lbs., 137.50. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 400 to 450 lbs., 152.00 to 155.00 (154.21); 450 to 500 lbs., 151.00 to 154.00 (153.20); 500 to 550 lbs., 140.00 to 149.00 (142.14); 12 head 561 lbs., 148.00; 600 to 650 lbs., 143.00 to 149.00 (146.70); 650 to 700 lbs., 143.00 to 143.50 (143.29); 800 to 850 lbs., 131.00 to 132.50 (131.88). Medium and large frame 2, 5 head 436 lbs., 148.00; 5 head 571 lbs., 136.00; 6 head 721 lbs., 121.00; 4 head 857 lbs., 119.00.

Baby calves: Steers/bulls, per head, 1 head 305 lbs., 450.00; heifers 2 head, 250 to 300 lbs., 375.00 to 400.00 (388.17).

Slaughter cows: Breakers, 75 to 80% lean, 56.00 to 59.75; high dressing, 61.25 to 63.00. Boner, 80 to 85% lean, 53.50 to 58.25; high dressing, 60.00 to 61.00; low dressing, 46.00. Lean, 85 to 90% lean, 51.50 to 57.00; high dressing, 60.50 to 63.50.

Slaughter bulls: Yield grade 1 to 2, 70.00 to 78.00; high dressing 80.50 to 84.50; low dressing, 62.00 to 65.00.