Two days of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service wheat field days are set May 3 to 4 across West Central Texas, coordinators said.
The Millersview Wheat Tour for McCulloch and Concho counties will be from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. May 3 in the Millersview Gym, 12199 County Road 6009 in Millersview.
Then, Taylor, Callahan and Jones counties will host a Wheat Field Day from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 4 at various sites throughout the counties, beginning at the Taylor County plots off Texas Highway 351 on Country Road 521, also called Mesquite Lane.
Both programs are free with a sponsored lunch provided at the Millersview Gym on May 3 and at the Lions Club in Eula, Farm-to-Market Road 603, on May 4.
The agendas of both field days are similar as are several of the speakers, but their talks and the wheat variety test plots will be specific to the respective area.
The Millersview event will offer five Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units, one laws and regulations, one integrated pest management and three general, while the Taylor, Callahan and Jones counties event will offer three, one each in the general, integrated pest management and laws and regulations categories.
Both programs will offer talks on laws and regulations required for licensing by the Texas Department of Agriculture and updates from governmental agencies including the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency.
For more information on the Millersview Wheat Tour, contact Justin Klinksiek, AgriLife Extension agent in McCulloch County, at 325-597-1295 or [email protected]. For more information on the Taylor, Callahan and Jones counties field day, contact Karl Winge, AgriLife Extension agent in Callahan County, at 325-854-5835 or [email protected].