Warm temperatures allow for good crop growth

Despite scattered thunderstorms and rainfall, Minnesota farmers were able to find 4.8 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending June 10, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Upper Midwest Regional Field Office, Minnesota. Warm temperatures allowed for good crop growth during the week while field activities included planting, spraying, and cutting hay.

Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 1 percent very short, 6 percent short, 73 percent adequate and 20 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 0 percent very short, 7 percent short, 81 percent adequate and 12 percent surplus.

Ninety-eight percent of Minnesota’s spring wheat crop had emerged, 5 days ahead of the five-year average. However, spring wheat jointed or beyond is five days behind the average, at 34 percent. Spring wheat condition declined slightly from last week, to a rating of 78 percent good to excellent. Oats were 95 percent emerged and 54 percent at or beyond the jointing stage. Oats were 4 percent headed or beyond, 11 days behind last year and 8 days behind average. Oats condition was rated at 79 percent good to excellent. Ninety-five percent of the barley crop was emerged with 36 percent at or beyond the jointing stage. Barley condition rated 83 percent good to excellent, down from the previous week.

Ninety-seven percent of the corn crop had emerged, 9 days ahead of average. Corn condition was rated 90 percent good to excellent. Soybeans planted was 98 percent complete and 87 percent emerged, with emergence 1 day ahead of last year and 6 days ahead of average. Soybean condition was rated 86 percent good to excellent.