Newell sheep sales report

The St. Onge Newell Sheep Yards, St. Onge, South Dakota, reported receipts of 513 head selling on March 15, compared to 744 head a week ago and 759 head last year, according to the USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture Market News, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Compared to a week ago, feeder lambs 90 to 100 pounds were selling $4 higher, other classes of feeder lambs were not well compared. Good slaughter ewes were selling $1 lower. Utility slaughter ewes were selling $2 lower, while thin slaughter ewes were selling $4 lower. There was good demand for several packages of feeder lambs and slaughter ewes that were selling on an active market. The offering consisted of 58% feeder lambs, 42% slaughter ewes and bucks.

Slaughter ewes: Good 2 to 3, fleshy, 181 to 186 lbs., 53.00 to 56.00 (54.93). Utility 1 to 2, medium, 145 to 146 lbs., 50.50 to 53.50 (51.77). Cull 1, thin, 19 head, 127 lbs., 43.00.

Feeder lambs: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 12 head, 82 lbs., 193.00; 90 to 91 lbs., 183.00 to 185.50 (185.29); 100 to 106 lbs., 171.00 to 175.50 (175.08); 15 head, 121 lbs., 157.50; 19 head, 148 lbs., 128.00; 52 head, 157 lbs., 157.00. Medium and large frame 2, 9 head, 68 lbs., 196.00. Medium frame 1 to 2, 11 head, 121 lbs., 136.00.

Slaughter bucks: Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 11 head, 234 lbs., 59.00.