Let’s keep free speech a bedrock of our country

"Just A Scoopful" - Jerry Nine

There is some talk about making it a crime for putting out disinformation. And who do you it suppose decides what is disinformation? You are right that is whoever is in power.

I’m going to let you look that up yourself as to which side thinks that is a good deal. To me it is very scary if freedom of speech is taken away. There are a lot of countries where they do not have freedom of speech. When we lose that we are very close to a dictatorship. I have a friend from another country who is not radical but very opinionated. I would say brain washed, but he thinks I am. He has posted a few things about his country.

His family has asked him several times not to post anything about their leader or their country as they fear when he goes back home that they might kill him. Most of us have so many freedoms that we can’t even imagine what it would be like to not have those freedoms. I pray everyday that the right person becomes president of the United States. I hope you will too.

We need a rain over a big area. Most of our area has a chance for rain by the weekend. I hope so as there are a lot of calves that need to go somewhere. As far as starting calves now and keeping them healthy that can be a challenge. One buyer said, “Oh, I have a starting yard that I send calves to and he knows how to keep them alive.” He must be a faith healer.

 A friend of mine from church who just proposed to his girlfriend also just turned 60 years old. Well this morning he missed church and I asked her where Marvin was. She said he has a knee that has been bothering him and he also hurt his hip. So naturally I was very concerned with Marvin’s condition. So I texted him and said, “It seems since you got your new girlfriend that you are more crippled up. What is going on at your house?” So far he has not answered but I will keep you posted.

When I talk dirty to a woman it is sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to me it costs me $3.99 a minute.

Money doesn’t make you happy but it sure does make you comfortable while you are miserable.

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.