Changes ahead for Missouri pesticide applicators

Disinfection, fertilizer and pesticide products isolated on white background with clipping path. Protective respirator mask, pump pressure sprayer and spray bottles for gardening and housekeeping (Photo: iStock │ #1496038886 - Visivasnc)

Changes are coming for private pesticide applicator training next year.

University of Missouri Extension private pesticide applicator training coordinator Rusty Lee said Extension specialists will hold workshops across the state after Jan. 1 to train those who apply restricted use pesticides on owned or rented property. New federal rules change the requirements to earn a private pesticide applicator license to buy, mix or apply these products. RUPs are pesticides that are classified as the most toxic. They may be bought and applied only by a licensed private applicator. RUPs are not available for purchase or use by the general public.

The Environmental Protection Agency, with the Missouri Department of Agriculture as the lead agency in Missouri, has set new licensing requirements that consider age, supervision and completion of a course offered by MU Extension. In the past, anyone with a license could supervise someone applying pesticides.

Now, anyone applying RUPs is required to hold a license. Attendees of PAT training 18 years and older will receive licenses. Those 16 and 17 years old will receive a provisional license that allows them to apply, but not buy, RUPs. Existing five-year PAT licenses remain valid until their expiration date, Lee said.

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