Game Birds

Thanksgiving turkey (Photo courtesy of Getty Images.)
Frozen turkeys at a grocery story (Photo: USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service)

Frozen or Fresh: Which Turkey Should You Buy?

The first episode of The Fowl Frontier: Poultry Science Unplucked focuses on biosecurity in light of a recent case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza confirmed in Arkansas. (Division of Agriculture art.)
Slice of pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top, traditional fall dessert for Thanksgiving (Photo: iStock - VeselovaElena)

Healthy Holidays

Cutting vegetables on cutting board (Photo: iStock - Lyndon Stratford)

K-State food safety expert shares holiday meal reminders 

(Journal photo by Kylene Scott.)
Young turkeys participate in research to curb looming turkey disease outbreak. (University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.)