(Journal stock photo.)
(Journal stock photo.)
Ron Estes. (Courtesy photo.)
A bull takes in the western Nebraska snowy landscape. (Photo by Hannah Smith.)
U.S. Capitol Building dome in Washington DC.(Photo by Kristen Labadie, University Communication and Marketing.)

Health literacy matters for Kansans 

  • By Jay Sivasailam │ Executive Vice President/Chief Growth Officer - UCare
An older farmer surveys part of his cowherd. (Journal photo by Jennifer Theurer.)

Transforming families and communities with estate planning 

  • By Jeff Yost │ President/CEO of the Nebraska Community Foundation
U.S. Capitol Building dome in Washington DC.(Photo by Kristen Labadie, University Communication and Marketing.)

Farm bill helps producers in the global marketplace 

  • By Sen. John Boozman │ Senate Committee on Agriculture Nutrition and Forestry vice chairman
Texas A&M AgriLife Research wheat variety plots near Bushland will provide good yield data. (Texas A&M AgriLife Communications courtesy photo by Kay Ledbetter.)