PHOTO: Learn what to look for and how to maintain backyard gardens, porch plants, and landscapes during the summer months. (Photo by Ken Johnson, Illinois Extension) 

Tips for getting landscape plants through summer

Man getting sunburned at the beach. (Photo: iStock - ajr_images)

What really happens when you get a sunburn?

  • By Ashley Vargo │ Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
With people spending more time outdoors in the summer, all family members should be checked for ticks afterward. (Michael Miller/Texas A&M AgriLife)
Lightning bug Photinus pyralis seen on a car in Arkansas. Taken June 26, 2024. (U of A System Divison of Agriculture photo.)

Lightning bugs: The story behind summer’s tiny fireworks show

  • By Mary Hightower │ U of A System Division of Agriculture
Juan Anciso, Ph.D., a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service vegetable specialist, Weslaco, offers three main tips to make it easier to pick a good, ripe watermelon this summer. (Sam Craft/Texas A&M AgriLife)

Three tips to pick out a sweet watermelon

  • By Mary Leigh Meyer │ Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
With people spending more time outdoors in the summer, all family members should be checked for ticks afterward. (Michael Miller/Texas A&M AgriLife)

Keep your family safe from ticks

Painted Flowers on Green Rain Barrel by Wood Fence (Photo: iStock - Matthew Fowler)

How to build a rain barrel

Tomatoes picked too soon will not ripen, but can be used for fried green tomatoes. (Laura McKenzie/Texas A&M AgriLife)

How to store tomatoes