Snowball cookies

Holiday foods: Homemade and mail order gifts are welcome

Three Angus bulls. (Journal photo by Jennifer Theurer.)

McCurry awarded inaugural Young Breeder Award

A homemade wreath can really brighten a holiday gathering and is not difficult to make. (Courtesy photo.)

Video: Tips for decorating your own holiday wreath

Members of K-State's 2023 Crops Judging team are (l to r) assistant coaches Sarah Frye and Kevin Donnelly, Molly Kane, Landon Trout, Quinten Bina, Renae Sinclair, Joel Bryan, and head coach Rachel Veenstra. (Photo courtesy of Kansas State University.)
The poinsettia's small flowers are surrounded by colorful leaves called bracts. (Photo by Scott Bauer, Agricultural Research Service.)

Caring for poinsettias

Pivot irrigation system over a field in Caddo County near Hydro Oklahoma

K-State irrigation engineer bringing water competition to Kansas

Ripe milo or grain sorghum field. (Journal photo by Lacey Vilhauer.)
Late spring and early summer rains have helped crops but have weeds have also benefited from the moisture. (Journal photo by Dave Bergmeier.)

Controlling mustard weeds may be key to spring crop yields, says K-State specialist