Kevin Wagner, Oklahoma Water Resources Center director, talks to well owners during the 2022 Oklahoma Well Owner Network Program. The 2023-24 program has kicked off, and coordinators are seeking out communities that need help with well water testing. (Photo by OSU Agriculture.)

Free water well testing offered in Oklahoma

The 2018 Farm Bill has expired, and OSU Extension’s Amy Hagerman says the expiration will result in both immediate changes as well as long-term shifts in the way producers run their operations. (Photo by Todd Johnson, OSU Agriculture).

Federal budget woes delay new farm bill progress

The blistering agent blister beetles use as a defense mechanism is toxic to horses. (Photo by Todd Johnson, OSU Agriculture.)
Oklahoma State University Extension will partner with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Rural Development to host a free Oklahoma Environmental Law Enforcement Training Seminar on Oct. 12 in Oklahoma City. (Photo by Shutterstock.)

Illegal roadside dumps focus of upcoming workshop

(Journal photo by Lacey Vilhauer.)
Male tarantulas make themselves known this time of year as they seek a female tarantula during mating season. (Photo by Mitchell Alcala, OSU Agriculture.)

Male tarantulas on the prowl this fall season

Hay bales (U of A System Division of Agriculture courtesy photo by Dirk Philipp.)
Grazing cattle in Kansas (Courtesy photo.)