Free Local Food Producer meet and greet happening Jan. 22 in Wichita

Our local food system is constantly growing and changing, so it can be difficult to connect with others that might help with your business or programs.

This free, networking event is an opportunity to connect with others in the local food system. The event will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Jan. 22 in the Downtown YMCA Community Room. Light snacks and drinks will be provided.

If you grow, raise or produce a local food product, join us to meet other farmers, potential buyers and other service providers. If you own or operate a restaurant, grocery store or other local food business that might purchase local ingredients, join us to meet local producers of meat, produce, honey or other foods that you could use or sell in your business.

If you are a business that supports local producers or a non-profit that is interested in working with the local food system, this is a great opportunity to meet a wide range of people who make our food system work. The event is free, but please RSVP at

For more information call Rebecca McMahon at 316-660-0142 or e-mail [email protected].