Judd Ranch bulls step into winners circle at 2018 NWSS Gelbvieh, Balancer Pen Show

Bulls owned by Judd Ranch, Pomona, Kansas, earned three Grand Champion honors and a Reserve Grand Champion award at the Gelbvieh and Balancer Pen Bull Show at the 2018 National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colorado. As he wrapped up the day, judge Eldon Krebs, a well-known Angus breeder out of Nebraska, complimented all Gelbvieh and Balancer breeders for the depth of quality in the show, commented, “Gosh, dang, we had some good bulls out here. This was a highly competitive show.”

Judd Ranch took home the Grand Champion Gelbvieh Pen of 3 banner with three black, homozygous polled Gelbvieh that had previously topped their class of bulls born Jan. 1 to Feb. 29, 2017. This pen included a JRI Pop A Top 197T83 son and two sons of JRI Secret Instinct 254U83. The three bulls posted an average yearling pen weight of 1,381 pounds and an average weight per day of age of 3.6. Among the pen mates was JRI Transformer 254E44, a black, homozygous polled purebred that was selected by voting members of the American Gelbvieh Association as runner-up in the 2018 Gelbvieh Bull Futurity. Transformer posted a 79 pound birth weight, 776 pound 205-day weight, a 934 pound actual weaning weight and a 1,458 pound yearling weight, along with a scrotal measurement of 42.2 centimeters.

Krebs complimented the Grand Champion Pen of 3 for their expression of muscling, balanced EPDs and their big tops and big butts. “This was an exceptional pen,” he stated. “I liked the amount of condition of the bulls—enough to express growth and muscle structure.”

Judd Ranch’s Gelbvieh Pen of 5 entry caught the judge’s attention as well. This group born Jan. 1 to Feb. 29, 2017, was comprised of five black, polled bulls that included sons of JRI Secret Instinct 254U83, JRI Pop A Top 197T83, JRI Secret Sensation 140A43 and JRI Top Secret 253M75 ET. In naming this pen Grand Champion, Krebs said he particularly liked the bulls’ long stride, soundness, uniformity, levelness of hooks to pins and excellent muscle pattern. “And they have the kind of condition to go out and work,” he added.

In the Balancer Pen of 3 Show—what Krebs called “a division that definitely has a ‘wow’ factor to it,” Judd Ranch took Grand Champion with a pen comprised of two homozygous black, homozygous polled bulls and a black, homozygous polled bull. This pen posted an average yearling weight of 1,395 pounds and an average weight per day of age of 3.8 pounds.

“Look at the numbers and look at the cattle—they have it,” Krebs stated when the pen topped its class. “This pen has great structure, good bone, big tops, big butts and lots of style.” In naming the pen Grand Champion, Krebs added, “You gotta like the stifle and stoutness of these bulls. I also like the long, spring of rib of these bulls. That’s an indication of meatiness to the rib area.”

Judd Ranch topped off its day by winning Reserve Grand Champion in the Balancer Pen of 5 division. This pen of black, polled Balancers born Jan. 1 to Feb. 29, 2017, had an average yearling scrotal circumference of 39.3 centimeters. Pointing out the moderate frame of the five bulls, Krebs told the crowd watching the Gelbvieh and Balancer Pen Show that he was particularly impressed with the pens’ “amount of forearm as that indicates ribeye.”

Dave Judd stressed that Judd Ranch always look forward to exhibiting at the National Western Stock Show’s Gelbvieh and Balancer Pen Show.

“This show isn’t about glitz and glamour,” Dave states. “Its focus is on sound, practical bulls that will work for today’s commercial cowman. Exhibiting in the Pen Show and listening to the bulls being evaluated on this basis helps us know if our program is on track. The commercial cowman is the bread and butter of our program.”

A majority of the bulls plus more than 300 additional Gelbvieh, Balancer and Red Angus bulls will sell on March 3 at Judd Ranch’s 40th bull sale at the ranch, Pomona, Kansas.