KDA outlines changes and approves training for dicamba products

The Kansas Department of Agriculture has received updated labels for three herbicide products that contain dicamba and asks all consumers to learn about the changes and updates and to take the necessary steps to be in compliance with the label of their chosen product, including attending required training. The Environmental Protection Agency has established these new requirements in conjunction with the producers of the new over-the-top formulations.

Updated labels now exist for the following products:

• Engenia;

• XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology; and

• FeXapan herbicide Plus VaporGrip Technology.

The changes and updates which have been made to the labels of these products in preparation for the 2018 growing and application season will apply to both commercial and private users. They include: making these products restricted use pesticides; additional product-specific training, including proof of training; new cleaning guidelines; various application restrictions; and record keeping requirements. For a complete list of new requirements, consult the labels or the company websites directly. Always follow the individual product labels available at the manufacturers’ websites.

KDA has approved dicamba training provided by BASF, Monsanto, DowDuPont and K-State Research and Extension. The training provided by BASF, Monsanto and DowDuPont is being targeted toward retailers of their products and the associated custom applicators and farmer applicators. The KSRE training is being made available to the public and is currently scheduled to take place in numerous locations throughout the state in February and March. Dates and locations can be found on the KSRE website; a link is provided on the KDA website as well. KDA will also accept training from other states so long as the host state’s department of agriculture has approved the training and documentation is provided. Additional training will be listed on the pesticide and fertilizer section of the KDA website as the agency becomes aware of the training.

If you have questions about herbicide use in Kansas, consult the KDA pesticide and fertilizer program at 785-564-6688 or at www.agriculture.ks.gov/dicamba. KDA is committed to serving Kansas farmers, ranchers, agribusinesses and the consumers they serve, and to protecting natural resources and promoting public health and safety.