
Some homeowners may choose to save on their watering bill by waiting a couple weeks later to seed cool-season grasses this year, says Kansas State University horticulture expert Ward Upham. (Photo courtesy of K-State Research and Extension.)

Lawn calendar for cool-season grasses

Fireplace burning firewood. Fire flames on wood logs, fireside bricks background. (Photo: iStock - Rawf8)

Don’t trash the ashes

Spring season sunny lawn mowing in the garden. (Photo: iStock - Sachko)
A quick soil test can provide gardeners with vital information about the quality of the soil in their landscape. (Photo by Mitchell Alcala, OSU Agriculture)

Conduct soil test now ahead of spring planting

Wheat. (Photo by Kay Ledbetter, Texas A&M AgriLife.)
Mowing the grass (Photo: iStock - stoncelli)

What to do now to ensure a green lawn in the Spring