Oklahoma 4-H’ers make trek to Mile High City

Oklahoma’s delegation of 4-H’ers, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension county educators and volunteer leaders made the trek recently to the Mile High City to take part in the Denver Western National Roundup.

This event is a great opportunity for youth to compete nationally while encouraging teamwork and self-confidence, all of which are part of the programming guidelines for the Oklahoma 4-H Youth Development Program, said Terry Nelson, OSU Cooperative Extension assistant specialist in the State 4-H Office.

“The 4-H Program is known for providing its members with many different opportunities to experience personal growth and continue the development of their leadership and citizenship skills,” Nelson said.

More than 1,000 youth from 33 states and Canada attended this year’s event. The conference takes place annually and coincides with the National Western Stock Show. The theme for this year’s Denver Western National Roundup was “Unmask the Superhero in You” and was geared to helping participants gain confidence to help them create a unique experience for themselves and others.

Attending from Oklahoma County was Karen Davila, a member of the Memorial Wonders 4-H Club.

“In the beginning I didn’t know very many people on the trip but by the end of it I made friends that will last a lifetime,” said Davila. “I was able to see, experience and learn so many things.”

The Oklahoma 4-H Youth Development Program offers many opportunities for youth to travel and taking part in Denver Western National Roundup gives the state’s delegates a chance to see a different part of the country.

For more information about Oklahoma County 4-H program, please contact the OSU Extension Center Oklahoma County 4-H at 405-713- 1125 or visit http://oces.okstate.edu/oklahoma/4-H.