Women Owning Woodlands conference at Lake DeGray State Park
If you’ve ever wondered if the woods on your property is healthy and how to manage it for future generations, be part of the Women Owning Woodlands conference March 8 to 9 at Lake DeGray State Park in Bismarck.
“If you’ve had questions about the health of your woodland property and how it might benefit you, your heirs and the environment, this is the conference for you,” said Tamara Walkingstick, associate director of the Arkansas Forest Resources Center, part of the U of A System Division of Agriculture. “Most people think of their woods as being self-managing, but you can play significant role in keeping it healthy and possibly make it a financial benefit to you and your family.”
On the agenda for the conference:
Certification: what is it and why it matters?
What is a healthy forest?
Walk in the woods with state park interpreter;
Forest threats;
Government cost share programs available/Farm Bill update; and
Tour of Ross Foundation site to learn about oak restoration and resiliency.
There’s a $35 fee that covers conference materials. Register by Feb. 29 and lodging is free. It is open to all. Register online at http://bit.ly/WOWConfArk or www.uaex.edu/wow.
For information, email Walkingstick at twalkingstick@uaex.edu.