On February 26, we are glad to be bringing in a well-recognized expert, KFMA Farm Analyst, Duane Hund, who helped many producers during the 1980s Farm Crisis and continues to help many producers to this day. We recognize that it is important to not dwell on the past, but we do like to emphasize that much like history, the farming economy is cyclic. Identifying these cycles and preparing how and when to act accordingly is of utmost importance. Maintaining financial ratios and analyzing what “they” mean in terms of when to invest in advancement or when to conserve funds and maintain or build a “safety net” is also one of those recurring questions. Duane Hund, as well as extension specialist in Agriculture Economics, Gregory Ibendahl, will help to shed some light on these questions and principles. Again, join us on Feb. 26 at the Cloud County Fairgrounds Commercial Building at 6 p.m. to learn more about Farm Management. Heavy’s BBQ will be catering the event and in-order to have a meal, contact Tyler Husa at thusa@k-state.edu or call at 785-243-8185 to RSVP or to address any questions about the program.