Public hearing scheduled for proposed permanent quarantine

A public hearing will be conducted at 10 a.m. on March 13 to consider the issuance of a permanent quarantine regarding Emerald Ash Borer to include Shawnee County. The hearing will be held in room 124 on the first floor of the Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Dr. in Manhattan, Kansas.

The proposed quarantine would prohibit movement of regulated items from the quarantined area, except under specific conditions. In addition, the quarantine would require anyone who discovers Emerald Ash Borer in an area not currently under quarantine to report the discovery to KDA within 72 hours.

The proposed quarantine, including a full list of regulated items that would be included in the quarantine, can be found at the KDA website, Comments can be submitted prior to the hearing at that webpage as well.

All interested persons may attend the hearing and will be given the opportunity to express comments either orally or in writing, or both. Interested parties may appear in person or by counsel. Persons who require special accommodations must make their needs known at least five days prior to the hearing. For more information, including special accommodations or a copy of the quarantine, please contact Ronda Hutton, 785-564-6715.