Bee Girl, scary movies featured at Wyoming Bee College

University of Wyoming Extension offers the 2018 Wyoming Bee College March 17 to 18 at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne.

Bee College is for everyone, from new and aspiring beekeepers to advanced and master beekeepers and those interested in gardening for pollinators, said UW Extension educator Catherine Wissner. The $85 conference fee includes a dinner and two lunches. There is no charge for Bee Buddies ages 7 to 15 accompanied by an adult.

The pre-conference Bee University Friday, March 16 is an all-day advanced program. Participants may choose tracks on apitherapy – the hive as medicine chest; making honey wine; raising your own queens or a course on becoming a master beekeeper.

To learn more about Wyoming Bee College and University, special hotel rates and registration, go to

“This year’s event is bigger, and we have three great keynote speakers,” Wissner said. 

Opening Saturday is Bee Girl founder Sarah Red-Laird with the latest on education, research and a university collaboration to save bees.

Saturday night, Raymond Cloyd presents Hollywood and Entomology, a history of the 1950s “big bug” science fiction movies.

The topic Sunday morning is American foulbrood disease with Sandra Hope of Brigham Young University. 

These and other regional and national experts present five concurrent tracks on Saturday and four on Sunday. Speakers and workshop leaders bring long-time beekeeping experience and expertise in conservation and habitat development. Participants learn best management practices, how to avoid pitfalls and building their business through new products (honey money). Hands-on demonstrations help new or aspiring beekeepers learn the basics.

For more information, contact Wissner, the “dean” of Wyoming Bee College, at 307-63­3-4383 or [email protected].