University of Wyoming meat judging team makes a comeback

The University of Wyoming meat judging team made a strong showing its first season under new coach Sierra Jepsen. The university last had a team in 2015.

The team placed second overall in specifications out of 17 teams at the Houston Stock Show Meat Judging Contest recently in Houston. Katie Hazlewood of Riverton, Erika Eckhardt of Sterling, Nebraska, and Eli Worrall of Worland, placed 10th, 11th and 12th individually in specifications. Eckhardt was ninth in pork judging.

Specifications refer to the USDA institutional meat purchasing specifications that ensure consistency across the industry. Students memorize USDA specification rules for a variety of meat cuts, explained Jepsen. Competitors look over 10 cuts of meat and determine if they meet all specifications or if there are defects.

“It’s a pleasure working with this group of students because they all care deeply about improving their personal scores, as well as being good representatives for the university and state of Wyoming,” Jepsen said.

The team turned in its top performance at the Iowa State University Meat Evaluation Contest in Ames, Iowa recently as well. They earned fourth overall out of 11 teams, third in specifications, lamb judging and beef judging and fourth in beef grading and reasons. Alecia Ouellette of Carson City, Nevada, was sixth overall individual and fifth in beef judging. Worrall was fifth in specifications.

At the Fort Worth Stock Show in Fort Worth, Texas, Wyoming placed seventh of 11 teams. The team was fifth high in pork judging and sixth high in lamb judging. Worrall placed sixth in pork judging. Zach Davis of Sebastopol, California, was 12th in placings and 13th in beef grading. Cedar Radosevich of Manila, Utah, was 16th in lamb judging.

At the National Western Stock Show in Denver, the UW team earned eighth out of 14 teams and sixth in beef judging. Radosevich was sixth in placings, Ouellette 11th in beef grading and Hazlewood 17th in lamb judging.

The UW meat judging team will help with the 4-H and FFA state meat judging contests later this spring and resume competition in the fall.

Jepsen invites UW students to sign up for the fall course, Introduction to Meat Judging.

“The course covers everything they need to know to become a competitive meat judge,” she said. “After completing it, they can join the team.”

For more information, contact Jepsen at 307-766-3100 or