AgriLife Extension sets Lower Rolling Plains Ag Conference for April 4 in Snyder

The Lower Rolling Plains Ag Conference is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 4 in the Scurry Coliseum, 900 E. Coliseum Drive in Snyder.

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service county offices involved with the event are in Borden, Garza, Mitchell, Lynn, Nolan and Scurry counties.

Individual registration is $25 at the door and includes lunch. For an accurate lunch count, RSVP by April 3 to the AgriLife Extension office in Scurry County at 325-573-5423. More information is available at that number or by calling the AgriLife Extension office in Nolan County at 325-236-6912.

Topics and speakers during the morning will include:

  • Cotton Economics, Jackie Smith, AgriLife Extension economist, Lubbock.
  • Commodity Economics, Mark Welch, AgriLife Extension grain marketing economist, College Station.
  • Laws and Regulations, Kyle Thompson, Texas Department of Agriculture field inspector, Abilene.
  • Top Ag Legal Issues in Agriculture, Stephanie Bradley Fryer, associate attorney, SGDA Law, Stamford.

Following a catered lunch, the program will split into concurrent A and B sessions.

Session A topics and speakers will include:

  • Weed Management Strategies for 2018, Peter Dotray, AgriLife Extension weed specialist, Lubbock.
  • Cotton Production Considerations, Seth Byrd, AgriLife Extension cotton specialist, Lubbock.
  • Alternative Crop Considerations, Calvin Trostle, AgriLife Extension agronomist, Lubbock.
  • Cotton and Agriculture Integrated Pest Management 2018, Charles Allen, AgriLife Extension entomologist, San Angelo.

Session B topics and speakers will include:

  • Forage and Hay Production, Trostle.
  • Weed and Brush Control in Range and Pastures, Gerald Hobson, Bayer Chemical range and pasture specialist, Peaster.
  • Texas Parks and Wildlife Programs for Private Landowners, Seth Pearson, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wildlife biologist, Ralls.
  • Plant ID, Dr. Morgan Russell, AgriLife Extension range specialist, San Angelo.
  • Cow Vaccination Programs, Dr. Charles Church DVM, West Texas Animal Clinic, Snyder.

Five Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units, one laws and regulations, one integrated pest management and three general, will be offered.